19 Mar 2021

Stop spending thousands on hardware

At RxWeb, we don’t sell computers. We sell brilliant software that helps you run your pharmacy effectively and efficiently, from anywhere. Two weeks ago we sent out an email that resonated with many of you. It was around hardware contracts and how they can negatively impact your business.

Basically, it comes down to two things, cost and control.

Lengthy Hardware contracts have long been used by PMR providers as a tactic to lock customers into their systems. It’s expected that these contracts simply run in line with the user’s software license but what we’re seeing more and more of, is that hardware renewals and forced upgrades are being used to extend contracts unbeknownst to customers.

Take back control of your pharmacy. At RxWeb, our primary goal is to create a fantastic system that helps you manage your pharmacy but we also want to simplify your day to day business decisions and give you the freedom to choose how you run your pharmacy. Want to add an additional terminal? Or, have the ability to work from your own laptop at home? No need for contract negotiations with RxWeb. you can make quick decisions because we’ve got the flexibility to adapt to your needs (also, we give you 6 terminal installations to use at your discretion).

When it comes to cost, if you’re not with us, chances are you’re spending thousands on expensive hardware contracts. And, if the stories we’ve been hearing are true, your probably getting a bad deal.

Why would you spend between £1500-£2000 per PC, when you could head down to your local Currys and pick up a fantastic laptop for £400-£499 which could last you 6+ years?

  • Is it the machine spec? (PMR providers don’t have a monopoly on good laptops) 
  • Is it the warranty? (All machines come with warranties these days and it’s inexpensive to extend them as needed) 
  • Is it peace of mind? (Real peace of mind comes with web-based solutions. Every keystroke in RxWeb is backed up in real-time making sure you never lose information) 
  • Is it the hardware support? (Please don’t tell us it’s the hardware support)

Hardware is especially relevant now as pharmacies must ensure compliance with Warranted Environment Specification (WES). If your current hardware doesn’t meet these specifications then you will need to upgrade as soon as possible. This means your provider may force you to upgrade hardware at your expense with the potential of locking you into another new contract.

Now is an excellent time to consider your options. With RxWeb, you can save thousands by choosing your own hardware. If you want to learn more recommend getting in touch using the links below.

Click to Book a Demo           Click to Download a Brochure


In the meantime, if there’s anything else we can help you with, let us know! You can find our contact details here.

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