15 Aug 2019

Introducing the new RxWeb website

The RxWeb team are proud to launch the brand new RxWeb website.

This new website compromises exactly who RxWeb are and showcases all the features and benefits of the PMR system, providing customers and prospects alike with easy access to information.

The old website was extremely clunky, not that responsive and didn’t provide visitors with enough information. When we set out to build the new website, we made sure that it would be sleek, modern, fresh, represents us and highly informative. We wanted RxWeb to stand out from other PMR providers online, in the same way that the system beats our competitors. We believe we have achieved everything we set out to accomplish and we hope you like it just as much as we do.


Slogan Update

During the process of the building our new website and re-defining the RxWeb brand positioning, we have also updated our slogan to:

              The building blocks of your pharmacy.


The reason why we have chosen this slogan is because we feel the PMR system is the foundation of any community pharmacy as it should allow you to manage your entire pharmacy. Not only this, but you add to RxWeb with the RxWeb Plus functionality, fiber broadband, robot integrations and more. It truly is the building block to your pharmacy and the possibilities are endless.


Key Changes

One of the main pages that had the biggest change was the Modules page. We worked on identifying the exact modules/features within the system and provided the main benefits of each of them. The page allows you to have a high-level view of the software solution and how RxWeb can (and does) manage every single aspect of your pharmacy operations.

Another thing that we changes was our offering with now includes RxWeb and RxWeb Plus. RxWeb Plus contains additional pay-for modules and functionality allowing you to take your PMR system and to really grow and develop your pharmacy. Currently, this includes RxWeb FMD which is available for both pharmacies using RxWeb and other PMR systems, and Spectrum, our business intelligence tool providing you with deep-analysis into all areas of your pharmacy.

A new page that was developed was the Events page. Throughout the year, the RxWeb team attend a large number of exhibitions, conferences, and events of all different shapes and sizes. Having this page, allows you to know where we will be and when so if you want to see us face-to-face, have your questions answered or have a quick view of the system, you know where we will be.

We have also refreshed and created some pages which are specific to our customers including a customer help and links page, private news articles and more. This is one of the ways we make sure that our customers remain our top priority and know exactly what is happening with the business and when it taking place.


Overall, we are extremely excited to launch this website as it has been a work in progress for many, many months. Hopefully, this new website provides you with everything you are looking for while delivering on an amazing user experience. Let us know your thoughts as we would love to hear them.

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