24 Apr 2020

The advantages of web-based systems for businesses

The use of web-based systems can help businesses overcome many modern obstacles, especially in the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak. A web-based system enables everyone in an organisation to interact with each other within any condition, as long as there is an internet connection.

Before we spell out the important role that web-based systems have in the current climate, let us explain to you what exactly a web-based app is.


What is a Web-Based App?

You may be using web-based systems in your day to day already without even realising it. A web-based system is a type of software that allows its users to interact with a remote server through a web browser interface. It can be accessed over a network connection using HTTP, rather than existing in a device’s memory. Web-based systems can also be client-based, where a small portion of the program can be installed on the user’s desktop, but processing is still done via the internet on an external server.

Web-based systems can be as simple as message boards and online spreadsheets, or they can be more complex software solutions such as ERP systems. In recent years, web-based systems have become very popular among small and large-scale businesses throughout the world, replacing desktop apps, mainly due to their portability. With web-based apps, users don’t have to install additional software, and developers don’t have to create multiple versions of the same application for different operating systems.


The Advantages of Web-Based Apps for Businesses During the COVID-19 Outbreak

Here are some benefits get from using web-based systems and applications.

1 Enhanced Internal Collaboration

Web-based systems enable all departments in an organisation to collaborate with each other. If your business has two or more employees, then you should be making collaboration a top priority. After all, there isn’t much point in having a team if it is unable to work as a team.

Web-based systems make collaboration a simple process. Team members can view and share information easily and securely across the system. Collaboration may be possible without a web-based solution, but it will never be as easy, nor as effective.

2 Improved Flexibility and Accessibility 

With a web-based solution, you can work from anywhere. If you’ve got an internet connection you can be at work. By harnessing the power of the internet you can secure live access to software, wherever you are and whenever you want. This is ideal for when staff are required to work remotely in the current pandemic, adverse weather hits, holiday leave or maternity cover. Users can work from home and have access from multiple pharmacies etc.

You can also access web-based programs from multiple devices such as laptops, desktops, tablets as long as you have an internet connection.

3 Improved Data Security 

Many organisations have security concerns when it comes to adopting web-based solutions. But the fact of the matter is that web-based servers have far better performance compared to desktops or local servers, especially when they have multiple users. Saving your data in a web-based system is safer than storing it on a desktop where information might be scattered across several databases.  While most businesses don’t like to openly consider the possibility of internal data theft, the truth is that a staggeringly high percentage of data thefts occur internally and are perpetrated by employees. When this is the case, it can actually be much safer to keep sensitive information offsite.

It is the service provider’s full-time job is to carefully monitor security. And if the service provider is doing their job correctly, then security will be significantly more efficient than a conventional in-house or locally hosted system.

4 Loss Prevention

If your organisation isn’t investing in a web-based or cloud solution, then all of your valuable data is inseparably tied to the computers it resides in. This may not seem like a problem, but the reality is that if your local hardware experiences a problem, you might end up permanently losing your data. This is a more common problem than you might realise as computers can malfunction for many reasons, from viral infections to age-related hardware deterioration, to simple user error. Or, despite the best of intentions, machines can often be misplaced or stolen.

If you aren’t on the web, you’re at risk of losing all the information you have saved locally. With a web-based server, however, all the information you’ve uploaded remains safe and easily accessible from any computer with an internet connection, even if the computer you regularly use isn’t working.

5 Automatic Software Updates

For those who have a lot to get done, there isn’t anything more irritating than having to wait for system updates to be installed. Web-based applications automatically refresh and update themselves, instead of forcing an IT department to perform a manual business-wide update. This saves valuable staff time and money spent on IT consultation. And most importantly, during this pandemic, it means there’s no need for unnecessary personal or technicians visiting your busy premises.

6 Data-Driven Decision Making

Since you have instant and remote access to all of your business processes with a web-based system, you can find out what is going on in each aspect of your business. You can make wiser decisions based on the data generated.

As we move ever further into the digital age, it’s becoming clearer and clearer that the old adage “knowledge is power” has taken on the more modern and accurate form: “Data is money”.

7 Cost Savings

When you consider the various benefits of a web-based system, it would be safe to assume that the price tag would be much higher than the old fashioned locally-hosted alternative. But in the case of RxWeb, you would be wrong. Our system is the best value and most feature-rich solution on the market and that’s before you consider additional factors outside of the initial price.

Time is valuable, and as such, with a flexible and adaptable web-based system, your team can be more productive with their time. You also don’t have to worry about third party licensing costs such as expensive hardware licenses.

8 Competitive Edge

While web solutions are increasing in popularity, there are still those who prefer to keep everything local. That’s their choice, but doing so places them at a distinct disadvantage when competing with those who have the benefits of the cloud at their fingertips. If you implement a cloud-based solution before your competitors, you’ll be further along the learning curve by the time they catch up.

Any two or three of the benefits mentioned would be enough to convince most to move over to a hosted solution. But when you consider all eight? It’s approaching no-brainer territory. If you’re ready to take advantage of the benefits our web-based solution brings, we’d recommend booking a demo below. Or if you would like to learn a bit more about our system download our product brochure.


Click to Book a Demo           Click to Download a Brochure


In the meantime, if there’s anything else we can help you with, let us know! You can find our contact details here.

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